
What Does It Mean to Be Cultured?

To be cultured is to recognize that you are but one link in a long chain of history, and to accept that although culture is your birthright, it is not personal property but a heritage of humanity.

Alcestis Review: Silence and Death

Alcestis lies on her deathbed, the whole house of Admetus lingers on the precipice of mourning, and in walks Thanatos, god of death—sneering, mocking Apollo for what he’s done, and sharpening his grey sword to winnow his victim’s life.

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And why you should too.


Alcestis Review: Silence and Death

Alcestis lies on her deathbed the whole house of Admetus lingers on the precipice of mourning and in walks Thanatos god of death sneering mocking Apollo for what he 8217 s done and sharpening his



How to Live Better: Expand Your Vocabulary

A broad vocabulary broadens one’s ability to recognize, taste, savour, and delight in the abundance of a nuanced existence, to feel more deeply, to live more richly. 

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