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Classic Literature
What Does It Mean to Be Cultured?
To be cultured is to recognize that you are but one link in a long chain of history, and to accept that although culture is your birthright, it is not personal property but a heritage of humanity.
Why I Read the Classics—and Why You Should Too
In a world marked by wars and protests, social transformation and technological progress, civic disunity and political polarization, why bother reading Plato or Petrarch or Locke?
Why I’ve Chosen to Work Through the All Souls Examination Questions
We are the most literate generation of all of history, yet our literacy is ill-used.
Alcestis Review: Silence and Death
Alcestis lies on her deathbed, the whole house of Admetus lingers on the precipice of mourning, and in walks Thanatos, god of death—sneering, mocking Apollo for what he’s done, and sharpening his grey sword to winnow his victim’s life.
Is Classic Literature Elitist?
A Reconsideration Once, while in Oxford and over a surprisingly unharried lunch, I was speaking to a literature student and attempting—somewhat vainly, I can only
Medea Review: Feminist Fiction or Moralizing Myth?
Summary All is not well in the state of Corinth. Medea, luckless Medea, has learned of her husband’s blasé disregard for their sacred marriage vows—Jason,
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